In 2019 we did not support any funding measures. Rather, the newly elected board of directors used this year to realign our funding company, which ultimately led to our new website.

In 2020 we were unable to award an intercultural stage award due to the consequences of the corona crisis. Rather, we supported artists with a migration background directly, as they currently fall through all federal and regional government funding systems.

In 2021 the pandemic put a spanner in the works. We used the time and revised our homepage. In some cases, the artists have, albeit very limited, opportunities to perform again. However, the number of places on offer in the venues was reduced due to the corona restrictions, and earnings opportunities were accordingly limited. This was a major disadvantage, especially for artists, whose income was paid as a percentage from ticket sales. We therefore created the option of a deficiency guarantee in order to secure a minimum fee of € 150 per appearance.

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